Kemaren2 iseng upgrade php ke 4.4.1, lalu iseng liat list pear packages, karena masih versi 1.3.6 pear, tus upgrade.

Installed packages:
Package              Version State
Archive_Tar          1.1     stable
Console_Getopt       1.2     stable
HTML_Template_IT     1.1     stable
Net_UserAgent_Detect 2.0.1   stable
PEAR                 1.3.6   stable
XML_RPC              1.4.0   stable

# pear upgrade-all

beres.. jadi 1.4.6, tapi gak tau kenapa ada yg error :((

skr ada iseng yg laen.. gmn kalo di hostingan ini pear nya masih blom upgrade? ini gak mesti di upgarde koq, cuman iseng aja

cari2 di manual… akhirnya ketemu:

In order to install a local copy of PEAR through ftp, you must have an ftp client that can set permissions on upload. First, create a directory that is NOT in your publicly accessible web space, and name it anything you’d like. Set it to be readable and writable by any user (permissions 0777). Then, download a copy of and save it as go-pear.php. Upload go-pear.php to a subdirectory of your publicly accessible web space. It is a very good idea to password-protect the directory containing go-pear.php with an .htaccess file.

Next, browse to the go-pear.php file. If your web address is, you have placed go-pear.php in public_html/install/go-pear.php, and will browse to public_html/, then browse to Follow the installation prompts…

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