Mpv Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Function
Timeline Seeking
Left Arrow Go back 5 seconds in the media.
Right Arrow Go forward 5 seconds in the media.
Down Arrow Go back 1 minute in the media.
Up Arrow Go forward 1 minute in the media.
Shift + Page Up Go forward 10 minutes in the media.
Shift + Page Down Go back 10 minutes in the media.
Page Up Go to the beginning of the next chapter.
Page Down Go to the beginning of the previous chapter.
Ctrl + Left Arrow Go to the previous frame with subtitles.
Ctrl + Right Arrow Go to the next frame with subtitles.
Subtitle Manipulation
V Either display or hide subtitles for the currently playing media.
Shift + J Select the previous subtitle file available.
J Select the next subtitle file available.
Ctrl + Shift + Left Synchronize the subtitle with the previous frame.
Ctrl + Shift + Right Synchronize the subtitle with the next frame.
Z Increase the subtitle delay by 100 milliseconds.
Shift + Z Decrease the subtitle delay by 100 milliseconds.
Shift + G Increase the subtitle font by 10%.
Shift + F Decrease the subtitle font by 10%.
R Shift the subtitle placement in the video upwards.
Shift + R Shift the subtitle placement in the video downwards.
U Switch the currently active subtitle to a compatible SubStation Alpha format.
Playback Controls
[ Slow the media playback down by 10%.
] Speed the media playback up by 10%.
Shift + [ Drop the playback speed by 50%.
Shift + ] Increase the playback speed by 50%.
L Mark the current position as a playback loop.
Shift + L Create an infinite loop between two marked points.
Backspace Return the media playback speed back to 100%.
/ or 9 Decrease the media volume by 1 point.
* or 0 Increase the media volume by 1 point.
M Mute the sound of the currently playing media.
Shift + ` Go through the available video tracks in the media file.
Shift + 3 Go through the available audio tracks in the media file.
S Take the current video frame and save it as a screenshot.
Shift + S Take a screenshot of the current frame and remove all subtitles.
Ctrl + S Take a screenshot of the current player window.
Ctrl + Increase the audio delay by 100 milliseconds.
Ctrl – Decrease the audio delay by 100 milliseconds.
Picture Controls
Shift + A Force a different aspect ratio for the currently playing media.
D Toggle the realtime video deinterlacer.
1 Decrease the contrast of the video.
2 Increase the contrast of the video.
3 Decrease the brightness of the video.
4 Increase the brightness of the video.
5 Decrease the gamma of the video.
6 Increase the gamma of the video.
7 Decrease the saturation of the video.
8 Increase the saturation of the video.
Ctrl + H Enable Hardware Decoding Support.
Shift + W Increase the picture cropping for the currently playing media.
W Decrease the picture cropping for the currently playing media.
Alt + Up Arrow Move the picture in the window upwards.
Alt + Down Arrow Move the picture in the window downwards.
Alt + Left Arrow Move the picture in the window leftwards.
Alt + Right Arrow Move the picture in the window rightwards.
Alt + Zoom into the currently playing media.
Alt – Zoom out of the currently playing media.
Alt + Backspace Restore the original position and zoom of the picture.
Player Controls
> or Enter Play the next file in a playlist.
< Play the previous file in a playlist.
P or Space Toggle the player’s pause function.
. Pause the file and display the next frame.
, Pause the file and display the previous frame.
F Turn the player into a fullscreen window.
Esc Turn the player back to its original size.
T Force the player to stay on top of other windows.
O or Shift + P Display the current progress bar.
I or Shift + I Print the technical details of the currently playing file in the screen.
` Pause the file and display the previous frame.
Q Stop the currently playing file and exit the player.
Shift + Q Stop the currently playing file, save its playback position then exit the player.
Mouse-Specific Controls
Right Click Toggle the pause function.
Double Left Click Turn the player into a fullscreen window.
Scroll Up Go forward 10 seconds in the media.
Scroll Down Go backwards 10 seconds in the media.
